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   Hello Everyone!! Welcome to "Visit Sir Winston Dot-Com" My name is "Sir Winston" and I'm a "Lancashire Heeler" , you can find out more about my heritage, things I like to do, my life's ambitions, Lying in the Tulip Patch!my friends and much more on various pages I'll be adding to my web site when my time allows. But in the meantime, here is a little information about me.

   As I said, my name is "Sir Winston", while the "Sir" in my name sounds like a title bestowed upon me by a King or Queen of some ostentatious country, it is actually my "Given Name" bestowed upon me by my Mom and Pup (I crack myself up sometimes..... Pup for Pop, ha, ha, ha,) but I digress. My best friend Hara (I'll tell you more about her later) just calls me Winston, and I'm hoping all my other friends will too.

   Like Doggie Howser (Doogie Howser, M.D.'s K-9 Counterpart) I've set my life goals early on. Right now I'm just having a great time being a fun loving puppy companion to my best friend Hara before I have to start my studies. I really want to help people by becoming a therapy dog, but there is lots of training I have to go through qualify and be certified. They also won't allow me to do this until I'm older.

   So while I'm waiting to grow up so I can start work, I thought I'd keep this public journal here, so everyone can follow my adventures in playing, training, and all the other fun adventures I take over the next few years.

   I'll be providing a "Links" page which will assist my readers in locating information about my breed, the educational programs I wish to attend, the standards of training, and requirements to become a certified service dog.

   Oh, I almost forgot, I told you I would tell you more about my friend Hara. She heard that I wanted to become a In the camper on another adventure! "Therapy Dog" and offered to pay my tuition plus room and board, but most importantly work with me to attain my goals. Hara's interest in my goals, and her promise to my Mom and Pop to love and protect me like her own Son, is the only reason I was allowed to leave home to pursue my career.

   As I work to complete my web site, I'll provide a page for Hara if she wishes to disclose more about herself, but this is the Internet you know, and privacy of personal information is (or should be) a must.

   I hope you'll come back and visit my web site from time to time to keep up on my adventures and see what's been added in the way of fun and amazing things, including photos of me and my friends (K-9 & Human Alike), trivia, coloring pages, movies, and much, much more.

   Until then. "May The Dog Be With You!" Sir Winston

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Web Site Content © 2009 - Sir Winston & His Faithful Companion Hara
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